中國科學院上海藥物研究所聯合中國科學院生物物理研究所華中科技大學在Nature上發表了文章Structures of Gi-bound metabotropic glutamatereceptors mGlu2 and mGlu4,在C類GPCR結構與功能的研究領域取得了一系列重要進展。

本篇文章使用了愛必信產品abs813885 VU 0364770
C類GPCR的激活與其形成二聚體的能力直接相關。對于mGlus而言,組成性同型二聚體對于將谷氨酸誘導的信號從受體的胞外結構域(ECD)傳遞到其跨膜結構域(TMD)至關重要,并且需要兩個ECD都被激動劑占據才能充分激活。然而,二聚體中只有一個受體亞單位負責G蛋白激活,這表明mGlus2的信號轉導模式不對稱。此外,先前對一些C類GPCR的熒光共振能量轉移分析表明,激活后,受體TMD內僅發生小的構象變化,這與A類和B類GPCR形成對比,其中TMD經歷明顯的構象重排以適應G蛋白。為了揭示定義G蛋白識別和C類GPCR不對稱激活的分子細節,研究人員使用單粒子冷凍電子顯微鏡(cryo EM)解析了mGlu2和mGlu4(分別代表第II組和第III組MGLU)與異源三聚體Gi蛋白復合物中的全活性結構。這些結構以及功能數據為C類GPCR的G蛋白結合和受體激活提供了重要的結構和機制見解。
Absin VU0364770 應用

Gi recognition pattern of mGlu2 and mGlu4, and PAM binding mode in mGlu2.
h, Gi activation of mGlu2 and mGlu4 induced by agonist and PAM using NanoBiT. Agonist potency (EC50 ratio = EC50 of mutant/EC50 of wild type) and maximal agonist response (span for IP accumulation and Emax for Gi activation) for each mutant relative to the wild-type receptor are shown according to the extent of effect. Data are from at least five independent experiments performed in technical triplicate (IP) or duplicate (NanoBiT). ND, not determined (data for which a robust concentration response curve could not be established within the concentration range tested). A detailed statistical evaluation is provided in Extended Data Tables 2, 3.
貨號 | 名稱 | 規格 |
abs813885 | VU 0364770 | 5mg/10mg/50mg |
貨號 | 名稱 | 規格 |
abs813011 | CHPG Sodium salt | 10mg/50mg |
abs814359 | FITM | 5mg/2mg |
abs822899 | FTIDC | 2mg/10mg |
abs815924 | L-Glutamine | 50mg/20mg/100mg/500mg |
abs810222 | MPEP hydrochloride | 5mg/10mg/50mg/100mg |
abs816839 | Topiramate | 50mg/25mg/100mg/200mg |